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I read an interesting article on that listed off the top reason's that married couples conflict over. There were the obvious issues like money and intimacy, but was on area that may not be as obvious - household chores.
Men and women were created by God to be incredibly different. When it comes to household chores, or just home domestication in general, these differences can be magnified. To enbrace the stereotype, most husbands simply are not as domestically gifted as their wife. For our marriage, this is incredibly true. When we got married, my wife took on the challenge of marrying an incredibly messy 23 year-old man. On the flip side, Heather is by nature an incredibly neat and organized person. Sh has a wonderful ability to turn a house into a home that is full of warmth and love. I can spend all day trying to keep the house tidy and still not come close to how clean she can make it in a few hours.
As Heather's husband, I quickly realized that my messy nature was conflicted with my wife's need for cleanliness and organization. So, I made the smart decision to begin learning from my wife. Doing the dishes and taking out the trash are not big issues to me, but they are HUGE issues for my wife. So, I changed my mindset and made them become a priority for me.
When Heather sees me doing the dishes or helping around the house, she sees me choosing her over anything else I could be doing. She sees me partnering with her to create the structured and organized home that craves. 
We have to realize that a marriage is a partnership, with both spouses fully invested 100%, all in. We should work together to take care of OUR house, take out OUR trash, clean up OUR dishes.... When we do this, our team-minded marriage prevents the resentment and frustration that occurs when one spouse feels undervalued or underapprecated.